Thursday, April 05, 2007

What do a prostitute, an abused child, a disillusioned minister, a Vietnam Vet and a homosexual have in common? These and many others find their lives changed when they meet Storm and his companion, an amethyst-eyed dog named Maggie.
As you follow Storm on his journey to discover his true identity, you will meet many of society’s forgotten people. You will laugh, cry and get angry—whatever the emotion, you will feel deeply.
When Storm realizes who he is and why he is here, the world is completely changed and not one soul remains untouched. Upon closing the covers of this book, you will see the world around you in a far different light and find yourself wondering—is it really fiction?
I would never bet on this newspaperman to ask any brilliant questions in an interview. I would be like the idiot who was interviewing Monica Lewinsky the day after the BC scandal broke,and probably ask what color lip-gloss she wore.
However,I had an opportunity to interview a new writing celebrity,Ms Joyce A. Anthony,from Erie,Pa.
Anthony has written a book that will makes us want to examine our life and take it's measure.

"Ms Anthony,I'm wondering about your background.What was it about your early hometown environment that nurtured your desire to become a writer?

I think what was most influential was getting my first library card when I turned eight. From that moment on, I was at the libarry almost every day--it was an old Victorian-style building with a spiral staircase--and books!! I fell in love with the written word and started wishing I could one day write one.

What are your favorite books from your childhood, and why are they special to you?

The two books I remember most from my early years are Opalina and The House of Stairs. I read both over and over again. Opalina caught my interest because the cat told stories from many generations of the same family, and it gave me a sense of how the past influences today. The House of Stairs was my first glimpse into Psychology.

You seem very fond of rainbows. Do you feel magic in the air when you see one?

I think the biggest thing I feel when I see a rainbow is a sense that all will be okay. No matter what is going on, a rainbow fills me with hope that tomorrow will indeed be better.

Can you tell me something you consider very important if you were writing your biography?

More than any one event, I believe what is important to show is that a person can experience a multitude of events that supposedly ruin a life--and yet that person can not only survive, but thrive and grow and rise above the pain. Our pasts play a part in who we become, but the negative need not remain that way--it can be changed and create something good in the end--it is a matter of a strong will and wish to do better.

What was the germ of the idea that sparked your desire to write Storm? Was that early in your life, or later?

The actual idea started close to twenty years ago with a glimpse of a man through a car window. A question formed in my mind as I looked at him and the seed was planted. Over the years, other tiny events, often a mere thought or word added to the original question--and Storm grew.

How has writing shaped your concerns for human affairs such as hunger and poverty in America?

It is more the other way around--my concern for the human condition has fueled my writing. I feel my words are a gift from a higher source and I am meant to use them in a way that does honor to that gift. I grew up in a world full of those that society looks down upon or overlooks completely and my words are designed to help those people--to make the world notice and care.

Ms Anthony,thank you for sharing Storm with all the World.


Blogger Tumblewords: said...

Nice interview!

8:21 PM  

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