David Cook, and cooking oil prices!
Je'sus H. Christ, can you believe American Idol last night? David Cook? What did all those millions see that I missed.
Sure, he is talented, but not THAT much. D.A was the better vocalist by far, but David Cook had charisma, or was it the three-day beard and mussed-up hair?
I like David Cook though. He seems like a genuine good guy. I wish him much success.
My next surprise was going to Wal Mart to buy a few groceries with the rebate.
Since the talk began about a possible tax stimulus rebate, prices have been steadily rising, sometimes seversl times in one day.
Vegatable oil! Who in the world could have anticipated that cooking oil would sky-rocket in price right along with the daily increase in a gallon of gas? Generic, store brand cooking oil!
It was a good excuse to go out for KFC tonight.
David Cook won't have to worry about cooking for a long time.
Why does Google put those crooked verification letters on here. Don't they know millions of us wear glasses and still can't see? Typing at 20 words a minute I'm not very likely to spam anyone either.
Ok, Google! This shit is aggravating me. This is the third time I have tried to read the scribbly letters.I can take my blog someplace else, you know? I don't think anyone with 10-10 vision can read the mess below.